The main goal of the gender revolution in the West is to build a gender neutral future.

The main goal of the gender revolution in the West is to build a gender neutral future.




The meeting "Human identity: with or without gender?" It was held by the Research Institute of Islamic Studies in Humanities in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with the presence of Mrs. Zahra Gonzalez, an American woman who converted to Islam, on Sunday, December 25, 1401.

In this meeting, which was held face-to-face and virtually, Mrs. Gonzalez first expressed the idea of a gender revolution in America and said: This idea is quickly transferred to people's minds, and to understand this revolution, we need to pay attention to its roots.

In order to understand the roots of this revolution, she considered it important to pay attention to the difference between some words, such as sex and gender, and said: The word sex expresses the physical sex of an individual at birth, and gender refers to what an individual feels and understands about himself regardless of physical characteristics. In other words, an individual learns to show male or female characteristics, and this is related to the culture, environment and upbringing of an individual.

Mrs. Gonzalez, referring to the teaching of the spectrum between being a woman and being a man from childhood in America, said: In this country, free educational books are provided to children so that they are aware of their right to choose between being a woman and a man from the very beginning and be whatever they want to. Therefore, the whole world should respect his/her choice.

She expressed: Westerners view human life in Iran as a limited life, meaning that they have deprived themselves of pleasures. Because in Iran, an individual has accepted to be a woman or a man, while in the West it is a spectrum and you can be between being a man and a woman at any moment of your life, and they consider this freedom.

Mrs. Gonzalez pointed out that the gender revolution was initially only limited to feminist issues and the inequality of men and women's rights, but later it ended up with freedoms beyond the inequalities related to the rights of men and women and somehow demanded freedom without restrictions on being woman or man. They claimed that gender is not something that God has given to man, but it is the right of men and women to choose how they are.

She added: In their thinking, naming a child to be a boy or a girl at birth is an injustice to him/her and it is a deprivation of human freedom. They see homosexuality as a lifestyle that everyone should be free to choose and they put forward the term "my body is my right".

He stated that the main goal of the gender revolution is to build a gender neutral future for everyone and said: a future in which no one is forced to accept his/her gender identity and instead he/she is free to choose how to identify himself/herself based on a wide range of natures, which is very flexible.

She declared that by studying a great deal of literature in this field, we can conclude that this different spectrum is the result of liberalism, which is the foundation of American culture. Individualism, rationalism, freedom, etc. . are among the main values of liberal society.

Mrs. Gonzalez said: One of the main factors that is absent in the main values of liberalism is the role of God. God has no role in liberalism. It is human who has the only right to define and assign rights and freedoms, laws, roles and social-cultural identities to individuals.

She stated: In such a society where the main religion of God has been replaced by liberalism as the religion and guiding force of humans, a gender revolution has emerged.

She also noted that the definition of family in American culture and even law in recent years has been fundamentally redefined due to these identities and has changed from the natural structure of the family nucleus to homo-sex families. Multi-person relationships are among these relationships.

Legislators, non-governmental organizations and other people’s movements are working hard to adapt these new ways of life to modern life and make them compatible with the law, to change the laws to grant full rights to homo-sex families, Mrs. Gonzalez said.

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